my Personal Belief System

I believe in the Teachings of Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Moses,
Paramahansa Yogananda, Lahiri Mahasaya, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Albert Schweitzer....
and all the Saints and
I have a profound and esoteric belief in God and believe there is absolute value in every Religion.
I embrace and Respect every person, national origin, sexual orientation, social and economic status. I do not believe
that heaven or hell is the final destination at the end of our Lives,
Rather, that hell exists on planet earth, it is our choice to allow it into our lives, minds and hearts.
Equally -
Heaven is within our arms reach If we allow it to enter in our hearts and lives. I believe in the constant evolvement of Karma,
reincarnation, and that Guardian Angels are Real and are everywhere. I believe in the value and worth of every Living person, creature, and Life form in this planet.

I take a very personal interest in everyone of my clients - It is with
sincerity, compassion, sensitivity, and confidentiality that I have to offer the insight and answers
to your questions and concerns - I look forward towards being your personal psychic.


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